It should feel good and safe to buy invoices through Invoier. We value being transparent and clear. Below we have answered the most common questions about how our business affects your company and your customers.

Selling invoices

We already use invoice financing today. Why switch to Invoier?

Invoier is the first transparent marketplace for selling and buying invoices. This means that there are lots of buyers in one and the same place who compete to buy your invoice. Prices are pressed and you as the seller get the best price possible. Invoier also handles invoice handling and collection from your customers so that you don't have to.

In addition to invoice financing, our risk engine helps to flag your company's invoices so that you can take action in good time if any of your customers are not expected to pay an invoice on time.

What does it cost?

As an invoice seller, you pay no fees beyond the amount you are paid. The amount you receive for the invoice is based on the current market price. On average, it is 97-99% of the invoice amount and depends, among other things, on on how attractive your invoices are to the platform's various buyers. Invoier's services are not binding but may in some cases have a notice period of one month.
Invoier always strives to provide small and medium-sized companies with fair capital. That's why we have built the marketplace in a way that it is never beneficial for us if you were to have a high financial cost - instead, it's in our interest to make sure you get the best price possible!

Additional info about fees

Invoier transaction fee: from 0,3.% (min. 5 € excl. VAT)
Hanteringsavgift för ej finansierade fakturor: 50 SEK exkl. moms.

Interest on arrears for your customers in the event of non-payment / late payment: 18% annually
Reminder 1 fee for your customers in the event of non-payment / late payment: 6 €
Reminder 2 fee for your customers in the event of non-payment / late payment despite a reminder: 6 €
Collection fee for your customers in the event of non-payment / late payment despite reminders: 45 €

Do I have to sell invoices if I sign up?

The decision to sell an invoice is entirely up to you. Having an account with Invoier costs nothing, and you do not undertake to sell anything. No bindings, no hidden fees - we really only care that your company should be able to get as good a price as possible for the invoices you are considering selling.

What is needed to be able to use Invoier's services?

For companies in the financial sector, there are special requirements for customer knowledge. When registering an account, we will therefore ask a couple of questions regarding your business. By automatically retrieving information about your company, we have designed the process so that it is experienced as simple and fast as possible for you. You confirm whether the information about your company is correct and answer a few additional questions (financing needs, expected invoice sizes, etc). Invoier's KYC process follows the requirements of the Act (2017: 630) on measures against money laundering and financing of terrorism and the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority's regulations (FFFS 2017: 11) on measures against money laundering and financing of terrorism and follows the same structure that most institutions apply in their more or less automated KYC processes.

Who buys the invoices?

Unlike traditional factoring companies, Invoier does not finance a transferred invoice. Instead, we have banks, investment-, and finance companies as buyers of invoices. All buyers have undergone our membership review. It is, however, Invoier who takes over the invoice admin and handles the eventual collection processes from your customer. We do this in a transparent and standardized way (see What happens if the end customer does not pay the invoice?)

What determines the price for an invoice?

Invoier uses a unique AI engine that has analyzed hundreds of thousands of invoices and their outcomes. When an invoice is registered, companies, individuals, the industry and hundreds of other parameters are automatically analyzed in order to provide an accuracy of over 93% when it comes to IF and WHEN an invoice will be paid. It is i.a. this information that the marketplace's buyers then take into account when they compete to offer the best price for your particular invoice.

How is my end customer affected?

Our goal is that your decision to sell an invoice should not affect your customer negatively. The same payment deadline as the original invoice applies and the only difference for your customer is that he pays the invoice to Invoier. All analysis that is done when deciding on a possible invoice purchase is done without your customer being notified

Is the invoice sold with or without repurchase (so-called recourse)?

Invoier offers invoice purchases both with or without a buyback clause (so-called recourse). This is determined in consultation with you upon registration. However, it should be stated that you, as the seller of the invoice, may be liable for repayment in the event of an invoice dispute from your customer.

In the case of invoice purchases without recourse, it is the buyers on the marketplace who take over the credit risk after an invoice has been handed over. Invoier can take a personal surety bond to guard the marketplace against fraudulent invoices if needed.

Is it possible to sell invoices issued to customers in a other countries?

Please contact us for more information about financing international invoices.

What happens if my end customer does not pay the invoice?

In the event of non-payment, Invoier follows a standardized process for collecting money. In the first place, two reminders are issued with a fee of SEK 60/piece. If your customer still hasn't paid, a debt collection claim is issued. Invoier reserves the right to charge late payment interest of 1.5% per month from your customer for an unpaid invoice.

The entire process can take place without your active involvement. Note that the business risk, i.e. the risk in the event that your customer disputes the invoice, still rests with you as the invoice seller.

Can I sell an invoice that has already been sent to my end customer?

No. We only offer financing for new invoices that have not yet been sent to the recipient. This is due to mortgage legal aspects, as all invoice recipients must otherwise be notified and confirm the change for the mortgage to apply.

Invoier also does not finance overdue invoices.

Do I have to sell all my invoices?

No, you choose which, how many and how often you want to sell invoices through Invoier's marketplace. Unlike many players, we do not require you to sell a certain amount of invoices or bind you to sell invoices for a longer period of time.

Who sends the invoice to my end customer?

You send the invoice to your customer - just as usual. Invoier takes care of any reminders in the unlikely event that it should be needed.

How should I report a sold invoice in my accounting system?

Please reach out to us for information on how this is done. https://invoier.com/book-keeping-factoring/ .

What does it take to qualify my company for Green Factoring?

When we onboard you as a customer, we make an assessment as to whether your company can be classified as applicable for Green Factoring. If you have not already applied to register your company, you can use the contact form at https://invoier.com/green-factoring/ to get an indicative assessment of whether your company can be classified for Green Factoring

How do I get started selling my invoices if I have Fortnox?

Purchase Financing

We already have a financing partner for orders. Why switch to Invoier?

Invoier is the first transparent marketplace for invoice financing. This means that there are lots of buyers in one and the same place competing to finance your supplier invoice. The prices are pressed and you as a customer get the best price financing conditions possible.

In addition, Invoier does not apply any hidden fees, ongoing license costs, or other requirements to the number of supplier invoices you need to finance. Simply put: a flexible and neat financing service.

What kind of supplier invoices can be financed?

Invoier's marketplace can today handle the majority of B2B invoices where both invoice issuers and invoice recipients are registered limited companies. However, we cannot help if:

  • The payer of the invoice has contractual objections to the transfer of the invoice
  • The invoice is already financed in a purchase financing setup
  • The due date has already passed
  • The due date is less than 5 days ahead
  • The total amount of the invoice is less than SEK 1,000 incl. VAT
  • The invoice applies to an advance payment

What does it cost?

Exact price depends on your company's financial status, number of invoices, amount, desired credit period, etc. As a rule of thumb, the fee for purchase financing is between 1.1% - 1.5% of the invoice amount per 30-day period you wish to prolong your supplier payment.

When calculating financing costs, it is important to consider any discounts your supplier may give you thanks to letting Invoier pay your supplier invoice. For example, Invoier's purchase financing can be used to place larger orders or offer suppliers earlier payment - two examples that often lead to discounts that far outweigh the fees for the purchase financing itself.

Who finances the purchase financing?

Unlike traditional financing companies, Invoier is not responsible for the financing of the purchase financing. Instead, we have banks, investment funds and finance companies as underlying financiers. All buyers have passed our vetting for membership. With that said, Invoier still takes care of the invoice management and acts as your only contact point.

What is needed to be able to use Invoier's services?

For companies in the financial sector, there are special requirements for customer knowledge. When registering an account, we will therefore ask a couple of questions about your business. By retrieving information about your company, we have designed the process to be experienced as simple and fast as possible for you. You confirm whether the company information is correct and answer a few additional questions regarding your financing needs.

Invoier's new customer processes comply with the requirements of the Act (2017:630) on measures against money laundering and the financing of terrorism and the Financial Supervisory Authority's regulations (FFFS 2017:11) on measures against money laundering and the financing of terrorism and follow the same structure that most institutions apply in its more or less automated customer knowledge processes.

Must I finance all my supplier invoices ?

No. Which supplier invoice(s) you wish to get financed is entirely up to you.

How should I report purchase financing costs in my accounting system?

Please reach out to us for information on how this is done.

How quickly can I get going?

We start processing as soon as you apply. Usually it is enough for us to receive your supplier's invoice, but if you also know that it has been a long time since you sent in your financial statements, it speeds up the process if you also send in interim figures. The processing time is normally 24 hours before you can expect to receive a completed credit decision.

What is needed to apply for financing?

For companies in the financial sector, there are special requirements for customer knowledge. When registering an account, we will therefore ask a couple of questions about your business. By retrieving information about your company, we have designed the process so that it should be experienced as simple and fast as possible for You confirm whether the information about the company is correct and answer a few additional questions about your financing needs.

Invoier's Customer Awareness process complies with the requirements of the Act (2017:630) on measures against money laundering and the financing of terrorism and the Financial Supervisory Authority's regulations (FFFS 2017:11) on measures against money laundering and the financing of terrorism and follows the same structure that most institutions apply in their more or less automated Customer Knowledge processes. Invoiers Kundkännedomsprocess följer kraven i Lag (2017:630) om åtgärder mot penningtvätt och finansiering av terrorism samt Finansinspektionen föreskrifter (FFFS 2017:11) om åtgärder mot penningtvätt och finansiering av terrorism och följer samma struktur som de flesta institut tillämpar i sina mer eller mindre automatiserade Kundkännedomsprocesser.

How much can you finance?

We make an individual assessment of your company's credit capacity but intend to help finance purchase amounts from SEK 25,000 up to SEK 30 million. You choose yourself whether you want to finance one or more supplier invoices.

Subscription Financing

How much capital can be obtained?

Invoier makes an assessment of both your customers and your contract structure. Based on these factors, 3-12 months are normally discounted.

How is the invoice recipient affected?

Your subscription financing means no increased cost or other consequences for your customers. Payment takes place as usual in terms of price and frequency. On the invoices there will be a text showing that the invoice has been handed over to Invoier, as well as Invoier's account details. You can otherwise keep your normal invoice layout.

Must I finance all customer subscriptions?

No. You decide for yourself what percentage of your customer subscriptions you wish to get financed. However, Invoier will set a maximum limit for the percentage of customer subscriptions that can be financed - this to mitigate the risk of evt. churn.

What happens if a customer ends their subscription?

If that happens, we simply replace the terminated subscription with an active one. No penalties or fees.

What does Invoier need to assess my company?

In order to be able to make an analysis of your financing space, we need to have access to your accounts receivable and a copy of the agreement you have with your customers.


Who is Invoier?

Behind Invoier is a group of serial entrepreneurs and investors with many years of experience from the finance and credit industry. When over a hundred thousand companies pay SMS loan levels to finance their growth, we began to consider whether traditional factoring is really a sustainable system. We started Invoier to challenge traditional factoring by giving entrepreneurs an easier way to access capital. Our goal is to create a more transparent market where you as an entrepreneur can get paid good prices for your invoices, while you should feel confident that your customers will not be negatively affected by your decision to get finance.

Invoier is funded by the EU and the Royal Institute of Technology and cooperates with several Swedish banks and financial companies. We are licensed as a payment institution according to the Act (2010:751) on payment services where we are under the supervision of the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority.

Am I anonymous on Invoier's platform?

Security is one of the things we prioritize the most and of course it is important to know how we handle your company's data. By default, Invoier encrypts all customer data. All invoice trading can therefore take place completely anonymously on the marketplace. Sellers and buyers of invoices usually do not know each other - from each side Invoier is perceived as a counterparty in a trade.

Our financial experts are available for you personally on weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Contact us

Let us know and we will answer!

    Invoier location map
    Monday - Friday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m
    • Invoier AB
    • Skeppsbron 18
    • 111 30 Stockholm, Sverige
    • Org. num 559146 – 3327
    • VAT: SE559146332701
    • Holder of Swedish F-tax certificate