Turn unpaid invoices into cash

Free up capital for work you've already done, but haven't been paid for yet. Your invoices are sold at the best current offer on Invoier's marketplace, where the price of the financing is constantly competitive in your favor. This is what it for example might look like for a 30-day invoice in Sweden.

Du ställer ut faktura till din kund Du får betalt Din kund betalar fakturan till Invoier 1 day Idag Imorgon 30 days
You issue invoice to your customer You get paid Your customer pays the invoice to Invoier 1 day Today Tomorrow 30 days

Instant Payout

Don't wait for your customers to pay. Sell ​​your invoices to get paid faster

Improved liquidity

Better cash flow means solved liquidity challenges and that your money can be used smarter

Competitive prices

A competitive marketplace with many different financiers means you get paid more for your invoices

Automatic invoice management

Skip reminder processes and other invoice administration. Invoier handles it for you

Fair & Flexible

Sell ​​single invoices or all of them continuously. We don’t apply any fixed costs, hidden fees or weird terms

High financing rate

Many different financiers that you can be matched with increases the likelihood that a higher percentage of invoices can be financed

Being able to offer customers the payment times they are used to is a must, but it places great demands on a really efficient cash flow. I want to use our money not just once or twice per month, but maybe four or five times! 

Patrik Embermark

CEO & Founder, Enter Sales & Distribution

How it works


Logga in och välj om du vill sälja enstaka fakturor eller flera

Change your invoice template

We help you with the necessary changes to your invoice template and set up Invoier to receive copies of your invoice send outs.


Send invoice

When you have completed the work or delivered the product/service, you send an invoice to your customer.

Sälj enstaka fakturor eller flera med Invoier Flex


Sälj enstaka eller flera fakturor med Invoier Flex


We classify the invoice and check in real time which financing conditions the marketplace financiers offer. Your invoice is matched with the highest offered purchase price.


Get paid

The invoice has been sold and your payment has been sent. Invoier takes care of the rest.

Finansierat och färdigt, oavsett om du sålt enstaka fakturor eller flera


Sälj enstaka eller flera fakturor med Invoier Flex

Continued price pressure

We continue our work to expose the marketplace's financing terms to competition so that you get even better financing terms for your invoices.

Frequently asked questions

We already use invoice financing today. Why switch to Invoier?

Invoier is the first transparent marketplace for selling and buying invoices. This means that there are lots of buyers in one and the same place who compete to buy your invoice. Prices are pressed and you as the seller get the best price possible. Invoier also handles invoice handling and collection from your customers so that you don't have to. In addition to invoice financing, our risk engine helps to flag your company's invoices so that you can take action in good time if any of your customers are not expected to pay an invoice on time.

What does it cost?

As a seller, you pay no fees to sell an invoice in addition to what you get paid out. However, the amount you receive for the invoice is based on the current market price. On average, it is 97-99% of the invoice's amount and depends, among other things, on how attractive the invoice is for the platform's various buyers.
Invoier always strives to provide small and medium-sized companies with fair capital. That's why we have built the marketplace in a way that it is never beneficial for us if you were to have a high financial cost - instead, it's in our interest to make sure you get the best price possible!

Additional info about fees

Interest on arrears for your customers in the event of non-payment / late payment: 18% annually
Reminder 1 fee for your customers in the event of non-payment / late payment: 6 €
Reminder 2 fee for your customers in the event of non-payment / late payment despite a reminder: 6 €
Collection fee for your customers in the event of non-payment / late payment despite reminders: 45 €
Invoier transaction fee: from 0,3.% (min. 5 € excl. VAT)
Service fee for non-financed invoices: 5 € excl. VAT.

Do I have to sell invoices if I sign up?

The decision to sell an invoice is entirely up to you. Having an account with Invoier costs nothing, and you do not undertake to sell anything. No bindings, no hidden fees - we really only care that your company should be able to get as good a price as possible for the invoices you are considering selling.

What is needed to be able to use Invoier's services?

For companies in the financial sector, there are special requirements for customer knowledge. When registering an account, we will therefore ask a couple of questions regarding your business. By automatically retrieving information about your company, we have designed the process so that it is experienced as simple and fast as possible for you. You confirm whether the information about your company is correct and answer a few additional questions (financing needs, expected invoice sizes, etc). Invoier's KYC process follows the requirements of the Act (2017: 630) on measures against money laundering and financing of terrorism and the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority's regulations (FFFS 2017: 11) on measures against money laundering and financing of terrorism and follows the same structure that most institutions apply in their more or less automated KYC processes.

Let us find a plan for you!

We help you with advice and financing arrangements that are adapted to your company's specific conditions

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