Stockholm based fintech company Invoier, who recently launched Payment Time Index™, has mapped what industries in Sweden that are the best, as well as worst, at paying their suppliers on time.
Mätningen är rikstäckande och har kartlagt över 75 000 fakturor och samtliga SNI-koder under de senaste 12 månaderna. Exkluderade är branscher som haft alltför liten aktivitet och därmed kan bli missvisande. Ett viktat jämförelsetal påvisar varje branschs förmåga att betala snabbare eller långsammare än genomsnittet för samtliga branscher.
The worst industries:
(days delayed after due date)
1. Manufacture of basic iron and steel and of ferro-alloys | (4,03) |
2. Building of ships and floating structures | (3,90) |
3. Repair of fabricated metal products | (2,45) |
4. Manufacture of passenger cars and other light motor vehicles | (1,87) |
5. Operations of sports facilities | (1,42) |
The best industries:
(days early of due date)
1. 1. Performing arts | (6,82) |
2. Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seeds | (4,54) |
3. Pre-primary education | (3,24) |
4. Social work activities without accommodation for the elderly | (3,19) |
5. Sale of cars and light motor vehicles | (2,99) |
– Vi noterar att branscher som varit beroende av komponenter som kan ha blivit försenade, såsom fordonsbranschen, samt de som varit påverkade av pandemins försenade transporter i hög utsträckning också är de som fortfarande är senast med sina betalningar. Det nya lagkravet på redovisning av storbolagens faktiska betaltider kan också komma att få större effekt de närmaste månaderna
Fredrik Mistander, CEO & Co-Founder Invoier
About Invoier
Invoier has developed Sweden's only market place for invoices. The company's purpose is to improve the financial conditions for small and medium-sized companies and promote transparency and access to fair and competitive capital. The market place enables market adjusted pricing for SME financing and growth, as well as introducing a new asset class to investors. Invoier was chosen out of 4 000 companies for the Invoier was chosen out of 4 000 companies for the EU innovation program Horizon 2020 and recently launched the first, green factoring service Green Factoringwhich financially rewards companies that are making efforts to improve the environment.
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