Invoiers medgrundare och vd Fredrik Mistander gästar podcasten “Under femton” för att diskutera entreprenörskap och en idé som fått stöttning av EU.
Det svenska fintechbolaget Invoier grundades 2018 och driver en ”börs för fakturor”. Bolaget har nu säkrat 682 miljoner kronor från EU, som ska täcka kreditförluster och öka riskviljan hos köpare på plattformen. Detta för att rensa i en fragmenterad factoringmarknad och bidra till att få fler företag att kunna växa.
SMEs are at the heart of the European economy and comprise more than 25 million companies and account for more than two-thirds of the workforce. Ensuring that these companies have fair opportunities affects millions of people and we are so happy that we and the European Commission's innovation organization share the vision of being able to contribute in this way
Fredrik Mistander, VD Invoier
Factoring, or the fact that usually smaller entrepreneurial companies sell or mortgage their invoices to bring in cash for the business, is a phenomenon that has always existed in some form but is an industry that, according to Fredrik Mistander, needs to change.
We want to innovate in a very tired market, where many factoring companies have carved gold for many years. It requires transparency and trust, which we want to contribute. Having the EU as an investor is of course special and an honor, but it also gives us a greater responsibility to succeed
Fredrik Mistander, VD Invoier
Listen to the podcast episode here (available in Swedish only):