The first marketplace for factoring
Get your invoices paid directly.

Factoring in the modern way

The first marketplace for factoring
Get your invoices paid directly.

Factoring in the modern way

Create account

Get started and sell invoices at our marketplace for factoring! Create an account in 2 minutes. Free of charge and non-binding.

Instant price

Upload your invoice and see the best price offer that the buyers on the marketplace are willing to give. Instantly.


Sell invoice. Get paid

If you choose to sell, you usually have the money on your account within 24h.
Invoier - marknadsplats för factoring

Selling invoices through factoring

Selling your invoices on our marketplace for factoring is an effective way to strengthen the company's cash flow. Invoice financing can solve problems in connection with customers that take long time to pay your invoices, or difficulties in obtaining other financing options. You will be paid money for your sold services and products faster, at the same time as you can strengthen your customer relationships by offering longer payment terms.

Invoier is the first transparent marketplace for invoice purchases. This means that there are several buyers in one and the same place who compete to buy your invoices. That way, prices are pressed and you get the best possible deal. Invoier also handles the invoice handling towards your customer.

See how much money you can get for your invoices by sending them to us. Register your company today. The application only takes two minutes and is of course non-binding.

Green Factoring™

- even lower price on financing
Is your company already active in improving the climate or would you like to get started contributing to a positive change? If so, you can now get even better financing through green factoring! Invoier is the first finance company to introduce lower priced financing for SMEs taking an active part towards positive climate change.
Invoier - marknadsplats för factoring
Invoier - marknadsplats för factoring

Invoier Payment Time Index: track Swedish companies payment behaviour

Invoier launches Payment Time Index which shows the development for actual and contracted payment times between Swedish companies.
  • Filter and compare by company size (number of employees)
  • Data from 2016 until today
Our Enablers

Choose the service that best suits your needs at our marketplace for factoring

Invoier helps your company become competitive: we offer digital solutions for liquidity and payment management for invoices. Explore the possibilities below.

Invoier - marknadsplats för factoring


Get all your invoices financed with continuous factoring

  • Get paid right away
  • Avoid administrative invoice handling towards your customers
  • Get rid of postage fees
Invoier - marknadsplats för factoring

Invoier Flex

Factoring for single invoices

  • Instant price quote
  • Get paid right away
  • Best market price
  • Avoid administrative invoice handling towards your customers
  • No lock-in period or hidden fees
Invoier - marknadsplats för factoring

Abonnemangs- finansiering

Instant access to the entire year's sales.

  • Get paid up front
  • Improved cash flow
  • Offer your customers more flexible payment plans
  • Especially suitable if you sell subscription services, such as SaaS
Invoier - marknadsplats för factoring

Inköps- finansiering

Get help financing an order.

  • Get the entire supplier invoice financed
  • Postpone payment for your own purchases up to 120 days
  • Your supplier receives money immediately

We use Invoier as it means that our invoices are sold on a competitive marketplace. Prices are being pushed to our advantage and it feels like trading is done on our terms rather than on the factoring company's.

thumb_01_60_60 Gustav Westergren
@Electri-City AB


Wanna drive the change?

The story behind the marketplace

Vårt mål är att förbättra förutsättningarna för företag att få tillgång till kapital och att det ska vara på marknadsmässiga villkor. Därför har vi skapat en transparent marknadsplats för factoring, där köpare och säljare kan mötas. Vi har själva erfarenhet från att driva små och medelstora bolag och vet alltför väl hur viktigt det är med likviditet och hur svårt det kan vara att få tillväxtkapital. Så därför har vi byggt Invoiers marknadsplats , i syfte att ge tillgång till kapital på bästa möjliga villkor. En av hörnstenarna i Invoiers erbjudande är vår unika AI-motor som undersöker både OM och NÄR en faktura kommer att betalas. En annan hörnsten är att ge nya typer av investerare möjlighet att tillhandahålla kapitalet. Resultatet blir transparens och marknadsmässiga priser för dig som kund. Invoier finansieras av bl.a. EU, NFT Ventures och KTH (Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan), samt agerar med tillstånd från Finansinspektionen. Tillsammans får vi ert företag att nå nya höjder!
Marknadsplats för factoring - storyn bakom

Our financial experts are available for you personally on weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.