The yearly Payment Time Index for 2022 can confirm a trend break in the payment times of Swedish companies. Large companies (>250 employees) have improved at paying on time over the year, while the smallest companies continue to be the very best at paying on time. A general trend shows that all company sizes have improved their payment times in 2022.
Fintech company Invoier's Payment Time Index maps out the payment behavior amongst Swedish companies. It is based on 1.8 million invoices from over 45 000 companies during the period 2016-2022. The yearly index conclusion for 2022 now displays that all company sizes, based on number of employees, have improved their average payment times compared to earlier.

Large companies are becoming better payers
The yearly Payment Time Index for 2022 shows that the trend break which there were early signs of in May 2022, was consistent over the year and shows that large companies (>250 employees) have become significantly better at paying on time. They have made a considerable improvement and are now closer to keeping agreed payment time, something that hasn't happened since the start of the measuring period starting 2016.
The new trend break may be an indication of a reaction to the new law which came into force March 1 2022 and requires large companies to publicly report on payment times towards smaller companies. This shall be divided by company size of the receiving company and comprise agreed, as well as actual, payment times. The first reporting deadline will be in autumn 2023.
It is of course a positive thing that large companies pay their bills on time to a higher extent. It was a necessary trend break. At the same time the bar is set low, with the average barely paying on time, when we know that small companies are struggling with their liquidity. It can never be the intention that small companies should act as banks for large companies, when apparently it is possible to pay their invoices in good time before agreed payment date
Johan Grip, Chief Economist, Företagarna
Micro companies still the best at paying on time
Payment Time Index also shows that it is the very smallest companies (0-9 employees), who expectedly have the least available resources, that still are the best at payers. This trend has kept over time but during 2022 it has further amplified and they now pay each invoice, on average 3.57 days before the due date.
All company sizes better payers during 2022
A positive development is that all groups of companies no matter company size, based on number of employees, have become better at paying on time in 2022, compared to the year before.
It is a very appreciated and anticipated positive development in order to strengthen the financial prerequisites and the competitive situation for small and medium-sized Swedish companies. We are pleased to be able to contribute by continuously mapping payment times through our Payment Time Index
Fredrik Mistander, CEO & Co-Founder, Invoier
About Invoier
Invoier has developed Sweden's only market place for invoices. The company's purpose is to improve the financial conditions for small and medium-sized companies and promote transparency and access to fair and competitive capital. The market place enables market adjusted pricing for SME financing and growth, as well as introducing a new asset class to investors. Invoier was chosen out of 4 000 companies for the Invoier was chosen out of 4 000 companies for the EU innovation program Horizon 2020 and recently launched the first, green factoring service Green Factoringwhich financially rewards companies that are making efforts to improve the environment.
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Fredrik Mistander, Invoier

Invoier Payment Time Index